This adult Bald Eagle was seen sitting at the side of a road on San Juan Island. When our rehab staff arrived, they discovered that one of the eagle’s wings was drooping badly and it was unable to fly. It was found close to the carcass of a deer that had been killed by a car, so they assumed that the eagle had been feeding on the deer and had been hit by a car when it flew up from the side of the road.
There was a lot of bleeding, exposed bone, and tissue damage on the right wing. However, X-rays were taken and showed that there were no broken bones. We cleaned and bandaged the wounds and wrapped the wing to allow it to heal. It took over 2 months of care before the wounds had healed completely and the eagle was able to fly strongly enough to be ready for released back into the wild.
Your donation can help us care for these injured and orphaned raptors so they can be returned to life in the wild.
Your donation will play an important part in feeding and caring for these raptors in need.
Thank you for caring for raptors! Thank you for your donation!
Since 1983, Wolf Hollow has treated more than 20,200 injured and orphaned wild animals.
As we celebrate our 39th year, your donation will help Wolf Hollow continue our mission to promote the well-being of wildlife and their habitats through rehabilitation, public education, and non-invasive research.
Please note: Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation Center does not sell or share donor information with other organizations.
Your donation is 100% tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Tax ID 91-1265913